Ideas and concepts don’t come easy. Everything from art to computer programs, inventions, trademarks and other commercial signs stem from a small idea. This idea and everything that you develop from it is your intellectual property.
Stealing intellectual property is a lot easier than stealing any physical object. But it has a greater value and when lost, can leave a permanent scar in the creator’s life. In order to prevent this from happening, you must secure your intellectual property with the help of a patent protection expert.
Anyone and everyone can be easily targeted when it comes to intellectual property frauds. People from all walks of life are vulnerable to damage until you come up with the necessary safety precautions.
Read on further to know how patent protection services work to help secure your intellectual property:
Patent Searches
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Patents are a category of intellectual property that offers the legal right to exclude others from marketing or manufacturing your tangible ideas.
When you approach a patent protection experts, they will have patent research teams that comprise patent attorneys, agents and patent examiners. With the extensive means for searching patents across the country and foreign patents, they will develop a report of the detailed patent research.
Intellectual Property Audit
If you are on the prowl to find a reliable patent protection experts, check whether their services include intellectual property audits. It is a tool that can identify your potential IP assets. Professional IP auditors should carry out a detailed audit.
The audit process will help determine under-utilised or unused assets, the ownership of the assets and any related or possible threats. The experts do three main types of IP audits – General Purpose Audits, Event-Driven Audits and Limited-Purpose Audits.
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Intellectual Property Due Diligence
IP Due Diligence is conducted in the form of an analysis. The experts evaluate your IP portfolio and analyse how intellectual property is captured and protected. It provides a comprehensive knowledge of the risks and the value of the business’s intangible assets.
For any business transaction that involves IP, the due diligence is drawn out in such a way as to examine and analyse the scope, strength and future threats that can be derived from trademarks, patents or copyrights.
Competitor Intellectual Property Analysis
Only when you understand the direction of your competition you can look for more opportunities in your market. You can gain a competitive advantage once you get a peek into the complete picture. When you reach out to patent protection experts, they will start with customising the services to suit your business.
They monitor and provide information related to patents issued and patent applications published related to your industry. It also includes litigation monitoring, where the expert teams monitor court filings for patents and trademarks to mitigate litigation risks.
You may sometimes think you can handle the situation yourself or with a lawyer. But in the end, there are chances of you spending heaps of money with no result. Protection is all you need, and patent protection experts highly familiar with the IP courts’ processes can easily identify the threats and offer appropriate shields.