Mulberry silk bedding is made from the leaves of the mulberry plant. It has been used by the Chinese as a treatment for many years because it is antimicrobial, soothing, and contains natural anti-inflammatory properties. It has become increasingly popular in the United States, particularly since the 1960’s due to its many health benefits.
Mulberry silk is made without the use of pesticides or chemicals which can irritate sensitive skin and lead to allergies. Mulberry silk is considered to be hypoallergenic, meaning it is an excellent choice for those who suffer from sensitive skin and the risk of allergic reactions.
Mulberry silk bedding is made from a natural protein called sericularin and other amino acids which reduce the risk of an allergy occurring. It also reduces the chances of bacteria growing on the fabric of the sheets.
Some studies have shown that the natural bacteria reduction aids in reducing the itching felt during a night spent sleeping. It is reported that a cotton sheet may feel itchy while a quilt may feel like itchy fur but both types of sleep aids reduce inflammation while reducing allergens.
The benefits of using mulberry silk bedding can extend to pillows, pillowcases, and comforters. These products can be used in place of conventional bed linens such as cotton, synthetic fiber, and even flannel. This is accomplished by the silks having a thermal effect which helps to keep the body warmer than cotton does.
Another advantage of using these products is that they breathe. Traditional bed linens can get quite stuffy when not in use and can make it difficult to sleep at night. Due to the breathable qualities of mulberry silk bedding, one can enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep while the covers are still on the bed.
By incorporating a few other changes into your nightly routine, you can enjoy a more comfortable night’s sleep and lessen or completely eliminate all those nasty smells coming from excessive sweating during the day. To start, make sure you do not bring extra water with you to bed. When you are sleeping, the last thing you want is to wake up with an extra water bottle or even a couple of containers of water by your bed.
In addition to keeping your entire body warm during sleep, there are some other advantages to sleeping with mulberry silk sheets and pillowcases. One is that they are hypoallergenic. Since this fabric is made from natural fibers, allergies are less likely to be a problem.
There is also evidence that they are helpful in relieving headaches, although more research needs to be done on their effectiveness. This material is a natural silky fabric and has a wide range of uses including sleeping bags, pillows, mattress coverings, curtains, and more. They also look better than traditional materials like cotton.