Many beginners and seasoned aquarium owners choose catfish as their pet. It is a popular pet choice among them because of its looks and character, and they make a great addition to the tank. But there are different types of catfish, and it is crucial that you pick the right one for your aquarium. 4 Most Popular Catfish for Freshwater Tanks aquarium are listed in this article.
Some of them are calm and responsive and lie around the tank’s base, searching for food. But not all catfish are like that. They are very different and require different needs.
In this article, we listed the four best species of catfish for your aquarium.
1. Corydora Catfish
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These species of catfish are one of the most popular for an aquarium for their tiny size and capability to live in tanks as small as twenty gallons.
They are the ideal fish for beginners as they can only grow as big as three inches long and require only a few particular needs.
They are also a species of schooling fish, so it is essential to keep them in groups of six or more. They tend to get stressed and lonely when they are alone.
Here are some essential things that you need to know as a Cory catfish owner:
- Use a substrate
Like other catfish, Cory Catfish spends 99% of their time at the bottom of the tank. So it is required that you use a substrate with smooth edges to protect their barbels and subtle underbellies.
- Water Parameters Check
Cories are tough creatures and can adapt to different water situations, but maintaining a stable water parameter will make their lives easier.
- Feeding
Cories can eat both meat and plant-based food. They are omnivores, and so a balanced mixture of plant and meat-based food routines keeps them healthy.
2. Glass catfish
They are a unique species of catfish and are named based on their transparent body.
They are a great community fish, and their unique look makes them a favorable choice for the aquarium.
They are also a species of schooling fish like Cories, so they fare much better in groups of five or six and become stressed if alone.
Another distinct trait of the Glass Catfish is that they prefer dark areas. But it isn’t necessary that you cover your tank to shade them, but provide them with sufficient areas where they can hide. It allows them to escape from light whenever they want and will make them feel at home.
Adding plenty of live plants and caves will give them enough hiding spots. They are most active in dark areas where there is no light.
Here are some more things you should know:
- Water Parameters check
Glass Catfish prefer water pH level below seven and temperature as high as seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Other than that, they thrive well.
- Feeding
Glass Catfish are also omnivorous species and live healthy on a balanced mixture of plant and meat-based food routine, according to the glass catfish care guidelines provided by Aquarium Fish City(AFC).
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3. Upside Down Catfish
As the name interprets, the Upside Down Catfish swims with its body upside down. They are fun to watch and add a great character to the aquarium. They can swim right-side-up, but they do that only when searching for food at the bottom of the tank.
They are calm and peaceful creatures.
Here are some requirements of the Upside Down Catfish:
- They require a thirty to forty-gallon tank to thrive best.
- They are schooling species of catfish and need at least five companions to stay stress-free.
- They also favor an aquarium that has lots of plants, mostly plants that has broad leaves.
4. Pictus Catfish
The Pictus Catfish is another popular choice for the aquarium. They are beautiful creatures with their long antennas and silver coloring, for which they are famous.
Although they are usually peaceful creatures, they will likely make a prey of anything they can fit inside their mouth. It is why you must consider separating them from small fishes like the Neon Tetras.
Pictus Catfish are omnivorous and will eat anything you offer them, so they will be okay as long as you feed them plant and meat-based foods.
Here are some more things you should know about them:
- Pictus Catfish are not small tank friendly
You must consider getting a tank of approximately seventy to eighty gallons if you plan on keeping this species.
- Temperament
They are friendly and peaceful creatures but don’t do well with other small fish.
These are some of the most popular species of catfish for the aquarium.
After reading this article about 4 Most Popular Catfish for Freshwater Tanks, you will find it easier to choose from any of these options. They will all make an excellent addition to your aquarium.