We live in a world that is at war; war as in not physical wars but the nastier one, a cyber war. We may feel it to be an impudent kind of thing, hackers from one country hacking the social media accounts of celebrities and VIPs of other countries. But it is at times more than that. In today’s world the backbone of a country is its economy, which breaks, the whole country falls. Another important part is its defense, which is gone, the country is lost.
Now in today’s digital world, everything we do is either on the internet or a computer. All the crucial classified information of Intrusion detection system, from the country’s economy to defense classified information are available on the internet. Things as sensitive as nuclear launch codes are also on systems installed. More than 3/4th of the country’s control is in the hand of these automated systems.
What will it take to hack these automated systems or computers from a rival country? After all, no system or computer is fully proof secured.
Well, we cannot create a system that is completely hacking-proof, but what we can do is install intrusion detection and prevention systems. On installation of these systems, any suspicious activity or a security breach can be monitored and dealt with.
Introduction to intrusion detection system:
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An intrusion detection system can be said to be an application. It looks on a network for specific suspicious intrusive activities; activities that are pointed towards topics such as policy violations. Other malicious activities such as breaching of firewalls, altering website info are also directly reported. Some of these programs only watch and report, while some are in full capacity of taking appropriate actions.
These surveillance programs are a lot like an alert system. Just like when a catastrophe takes place alarm goes off, in the same way when an intrusion is detected in the system, the system alerts the user of it. The intrusion detection system is more of a monitoring system which unlike the other programs sits and observes. The moment it detects any unusual activity either on the network or a system it promptly alerts the user of it. Some intrusion detection systems are programmed to take action themselves on the flagged activity and some are just to report the issue to the user later to be solved by himself or herself.
Different types of intrusion detection system:
- Network-oriented intrusion detection system- Pre-dominantly used in websites for security purposes. This security system looks for any unauthorized attempt to get in or surpassing a security firewall. Thus further reporting and taking action on the unauthorized attempt either by blocking the user from the website or removing the targeted user.
- Host-oriented intrusion detection system-This security is generally used in modern-day systems or computers. Consider it to be a program that eliminates the virus and other Trojans in the system. It is also known by the name anti-virus in the vast world of computers. These intrusion detection system software strive to ensure the well-being and all-around security of systems or computers.
- Signature-oriented intrusion detection system- These systems record threats by observing specific patterns. These patterns include malicious intrusion ordered events, etc. These recorded patterns are regarded as signatures. Albeit this security system is capable of detecting and eliminating known attacks on known signatures. But the one with new signatures cannot be tackled the same way.
- Peculiarity-based intrusion detection system- It is a relatively new system that is construed to sense and normalize new attacks. This method employs machine learning to design models that are reliable enough to have a comparison between new behavior and this model.
Perks of having an intrusion detection system:
- Clarity: Intrusion detection systems provide a clear view of the current status of your network or system. It can be regarded as an unparalleled source of intrusion activity records. It keeps a record of all malicious actives along with the DNS address and IP address kind of detailed things. This makes blocking or restricting that user easy.
- Protection: The mere presence of an intrusion detection system adds up to the security structure of the concerned system or computer. It gives an edge to the user as he or she might also have other protective programs such as anti-virus softwares in their possession. So having an intrusion detection system acts as a double layer of security.
- Response: This feature though is present in intrusion detection softwares but before getting it on a few things are to be kept in mind. There are no second thoughts about the competency and usefulness of this feature but where it does lack is its ability to recognize. Specifically for instance, if you have set a limit for your computer to access some classified files and you forget about it and go on pursuing them. This might trigger the intrusion detection system to log you out as you set it to do. On the other hand, this method works brilliantly if someone else is accessing your system and goes on hunting for those files.
- Tracking viruses: Viruses, malware, trojans, etc. These things are everywhere from the internet to offline computers. Sometimes these viruses can be the cause for your computer crashing, slowing down, etc. To be sure regarding steering clear of these nasty bits, the intrusion detection system can be of great help. An intrusion detection system can detect the exact impact point where the virus has hit. Tracking the progress rate of the spread of the virus from one part to other comes as a bonus. Not only this, intrusion detection systems can let you know how to slow down the spread or can also guide you on how to eliminate the virus.
- Record of proof: Intrusion detection system softwares can also provide you with proof of the virus spread. This can supposedly help you with legal battles when you accuse one of committing fraud, destruction of your property, etc. These things can act as solid evidence which may make your case stronger.