If you’re in the app development business, there’s little chance that you haven’t heard about Flutter, by now. Indeed, more and more companies are looking to get into Flutter and ride the tide while it’s still high. But it may be that you’re not overly familiar with Flutter, so this quick and easy guide might come in handy before you reach for the phone to hire your first Flutter app developer.
What exactly is Flutter?
Flutter is a fairly new cross-development framework that has been making serious waves across the app development market. It was developed by Google all the way back in 2015 (when it went by the name Sky, and was rebranded in 2017), and it is one of the most lucrative and handy UI app development kits in existence today. At present, it can be used to develop brand new apps for practically any operating system: Linux, iOS, Windows, and even Google Fuchsia.
Flutter has gained quite a reputation for creating beautiful, impressive apps in a minimal amount of time. In spite of it being a cross-platform development kit, Flutter is universally appreciated for its stability and ease of maintenance, which used to be a serious issue with previous cross-platform options. If you need help using it, you may want to reach out to a Flutter app development company in USA, or in other places to assist you.
The great things about Flutter
Early on after its release, it became clear that Flutter was here to give cross-platform development a good name, and to switch up everything you knew about cross-platforming. With a giant name like Google at its back, it wasn’t long until Flutter gained quite a bit of attention, and with it, quite a big community. Now, almost six years later, the Flutter community is still going strong, and it constitutes one of the main points of attraction.
With so many eyes on it, it wasn’t long until experienced developers spotted the minor snags and glitches in Flutter’s framework, and banded together to fix that, making it into something of an open source project. Now, thanks to community involvement, Flutter sits at the front of development frameworks everywhere.
Another strong suit of Flutter is that it is fairly easy to use, particularly for developers with some experience. A lot of the development process has been reduced, so as to minimize the time and amount of effort necessary for creating a good app. It has all sorts of functionalities one might require in app development, such as testing, and immense libraries that facilitate connectivity.
Lastly, the reason you should consider Flutter for your next big app is that down the years, this platform has time and again done a solid job of creating excellent, smooth-operating apps for different operating systems. It is easy to use, and it involves modern, innovative technology that is bound to benefit your purposes in the long term.
This is why it may be a good idea to look for a developer familiar and comfortable with the Flutter platform in preparing the groundwork for the new app you’ve got in mind.