Smoke and gas sensors are very useful equipment to prevent problems in the home. They allow you to warn of any escapes that may occur, or to detect smoke, warning of a possible fire. Gas detectors can identify various types (butane, methane or natural) as well as emissions that reach dangerous levels, so if you are thinking of installing one, it will be a very useful tool for your peace of mind.
Photoelectric smoke detectors
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It is safety equipment that emits a signal when it detects an abnormal level of smoke in the air. They are called photoelectric smoke detectors because they incorporate a lens that detects visible smoke, either by darkening the air or by its dispersion. In this way, you can find two types:
Infrared rays are made up of an emitting device and another receiver. When the space between them is darkened by smoke, the receiver receives a very small fraction of light from the emitter, causing the alarm to go off.
One-off type, in which the transmitter and receiver are housed in the same chamber but separated by a screen. This means that when smoke enters the chamber, it refracts the light beam towards the receiver and the alarm is activated.
These devices have a fixed installation on the ceiling, where their performance is more efficient since the smoke always tends to rise. The alarm emitted by this type of detector is acoustic. When they confirm the presence of smoke in a space, they emit an audible signal that quickly warns of a possible danger.
Household detectors usually work with alkaline batteries, although they can also be connected to the electrical system. Even in so-called smart homes, it is connected to the central home automation system.
Those that work with batteries, having the added danger of stopping working when they are exhausted, usually emit a signal that warns that the batteries are being exhausted.
They usually incorporate a light bulb that indicates its operation while it remains on. The latest models include LED-type bulbs, which are more efficient and last much longer than normal ones. If you want to achieve greater effectiveness, it is recommended that you install one in each room of the house, or in those in which you want greater vigilance or caution.
The sizes vary depending on the model and you have many classes so that they go unnoticed in the places you decide to install them.
Gas detectors
It is a device that detects the presence of gas in the environment and, when it detects a high concentration in the air, activates a visual or audible alarm. Some even allow connection to the gas system to automatically deactivate it when levels are higher than normal. They are very useful safety equipment to maintain peace of mind in the event of possible leaks.
They are devices that work connected to the electrical network and their installation is fixed. They are placed on the ceiling, like smoke detectors, because it is the most effective place for them to work at their best performance.
They can detect various types of gases, such as methane, propane, or butane. If the gas concentration in the environment is between 3% and 20%, the alarm will go off. When the gas concentration reaches the risk level, the device activates an alarm and an LED that will alert you to the danger.
Some models also detect the abnormal presence of carbon monoxide in the air, which will be very useful to detect poor combustion if you have wood stoves, gas, fireplaces, etc. Depending on the model, the dimensions and design vary. They are quite discreet devices, so you can make them go unnoticed in your home.