Social media is taking over our lives and it’s not going to slow down anytime soon. It has become a perfect way to advertise for your business, which only costs the price of your time and creativity. These days, social media has taken over our lives – so why not take advantage of it? Here are the benefits you’ll gain by advertising through this medium!
How to Start
Table of Contents
One way that companies can effectively advertise is through social media sites. Social media sites are typically free during ‘basic’ stages of use, but if you want increased exposure for your posts/ads/etc., then there will be a higher price tag on them. You’ll also need your own website to complete this process.
So, to start, you’ll want to create a profile for your business on the social media site of your choice. Include all of your contact information, website, and a brief overview of what you do. Once your account is set up, you’ll want to start creating posts about your business. These could be blog posts, images, videos, or simply updates on what you’re currently working on. Try to keep them interesting and engaging – no one wants to read a long-winded post about your company!
Advanced Use
After a while (usually around 2-3 months), you’ll want to start advertising on these sites. This is where it gets a little more expensive, but it’s well worth it in the long run. You can purchase ad space on social media sites just as you would on websites like Google or Yahoo. The great thing is that you don’t have to do the major advertising alone, you can hire a Facebook advertising agency, for example, that will do this for you. That way, you don’t have to waste more time and money on this step, not being sure if you’re doing everything right.
Once your ad is live, it’s important to keep track of how it’s doing. You’ll want to make sure that you’re targeting the right people, and that your ad is being seen by as many people as possible. You can use analytics tools to help you with this. Advertising agencies can help you not only design your ad, but target the right customers, and track how well it’s performing.
So, make sure that you target the right people, track your results, and adjust your ads as needed.
Types of Social Media Advertising
There are many different types of social media advertising, but we’ll outline two of the most popular ones: posts and ads.
A post is simply a message that you send out to your followers on social media. The great thing about posts is that they’re free! You can write as much or as little as you want, and include images and videos if you’d like. Posts are a great way to keep your followers updated on what’s going on in your business, and how you’re going about your day. It’s a great way to humanize the image of your company.
Ads are simply paid posts! With ads, not only do you get to control what content is shown in the post, but you also choose who will see that specific post. You can target anyone from a specific gender or age group, or certain geographic locations. If you’d like to increase brand awareness through a single post, then this would be a great option for your business.
The Benefits of Social Media Advertising
After establishing an account on one or more social media sites, the next step is deciding which ad platform(s) to use. The benefits of advertising via social media include:
- Cost-effective – as mentioned before, most social media sites are free to use in their basic form, so this is a very cost-effective way to advertise your company.
- Increased exposure – with billions of active users across various social media platforms, your advertisement has the potential to reach a large audience.
- Personalized – social media platforms allow you to personalize your advertisement however you want, so it can be tailored specifically for your target market.
- Interactive – social media posts are interactive by nature, so users are more likely to respond, comment on your ad, share it, etc. This can help you get more exposure for your company/products!
- High engagement – social media users are typically very engaged with the content they see, so they’re much more likely to engage with advertisements that are interesting and relevant.
- Connections – through social media sites, you can be connected to influencers who have large numbers of followers sharing their posts. If you advertise via these people’s accounts, then there is a greater chance that you’ll be seen by many others who follow them as well.
Fees and Costs
Depending on the social media site, advertising can be anywhere from free to a few hundred dollars per month. However, there is usually an option to test out your ad before spending any money on it. This allows you to make sure that they are performing how you want them to, and give you time to refine them until they are suitable for your needs.
Once you start getting likes, shares, or comments on your posts – make sure that you thank people! This will show others how appreciative your business is of its fans/followers, which in turn gives it more credibility among potential customers. Social media sites are great ways to get information about what type of posts people like the most, as well as what appeals to them about your products or services.
Social media advertising is a great way to promote your business. It’s cost-effective, since most social media sites are free to use, and you can target a specific audience with your ads. You can also personalize your ads to make them more relevant to your target market.
Posts on social media are interactive by nature, so users are more likely to respond, comment on, and share them. This helps get your company’s message out there. Social media is also a great way to connect with influencers who have large followings, so you can advertise via their accounts. This gives your business extra exposure.