Kidneys, intricate body organs are responsible for performing body functions. Kidneys play an important role in purifying blood and removing toxins from our body. Other than this, there are several other important functions performed by kidneys.
When it comes to our kidney health, certain signs and symptoms tell us about kidney health problems beforehand, as told by a renowned nephrologist in Karachi.
Indicators of Kidney Health Problems
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Kidney health problems can often go undiagnosed for longer times, however, keeping an eye on body changes save you from bigger troubles in the future. Some of these kidney health red flags are;
1- Lack of energy
There are times when you don’t feel like doing work or even waking up, occasionally all this is not a problem but in the long run, this unexplained low energy might be an indicator of a kidney health problem. Disturbed kidney function leads to the build of toxins in the body which ultimately compromises the energy levels in the body causing fatigue and weakness.
2- Sleep trouble
Another indicator of kidney health problems can be trouble while sleeping. When toxins don’t timely move outside from your body they stay in the blood. The presence of toxins in the body can make it difficult to sleep. People who suffer from chronic kidney disease are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea rather than the general population.
3- Textural changes in skin
Problems with kidney health are also indicated by textural changes in the skin. The reasons behind the changes in the skin texture are due to the reason that the kidney is responsible for red blood cell formation. Any problem with kidney functioning can affect the red blood cells formation in the body which results in dry and itchy skin.
4- Urination difficulty
Kidneys are an important component of the urinary system and any disturbance with kidney function can affect urine formation in the first run, as indicated by a renowned physician from MS Hospital in Karachi. You might have painful urination or have trouble urinating that can be troubling. Moreover, the frequent urge to urinate is another common symptom of kidney problems.
5- Change is urine properties
Urine appearance is an important indicator of kidney health. Any change in urine properties tells us about what kidneys are going through. Foamy urine with excessive bubbles is due to the presence of protein in the urine. Further, the presence of blood in urine also points to a possible kidney infection or kidney stone.
6- Puffed eyes
Among several responsible causes of puffy eyes, kidney problems are an important one. A type of kidney damage in which kidney filters are not working properly and as a result, a protein is released in the urine. This inability of the body to store that protein in the body results in persistent puffiness around the eyes.
7- Cramped muscles
Our muscles cramp due to the electrolyte imbalance in the body. Any problem with kidney functioning can often compromise the kidney’s ability to ensure electrolyte balance in the body. These disturbed electrolyte levels in the body can interfere with the calcium and phosphorus in the body, essentially required for muscle contraction and relaxation, resulting in muscle cramping.
8- Problem with appetite
Though this is one of the common symptoms of multiple health problems but is an important indicator of kidney health problems. Problems with kidney function can build higher levels of toxins in the body that can significantly reduce your appetite.
9- Swollen feet and ankles
Accumulation of sodium in the body can make your feet and ankles swell. However, this symptom also indicates many other common health problems including liver health problems, leg vein problems etc.
10- Diagnostic procedures results
Certain blood tests monitor the levels of creatinine and BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) in the blood. Moreover, testing the glomerulus filtration rate is another important parameter to evaluate efficient kidney function.
Bottom Line
Kidneys are an important organ of our body and perform many important functions, ranging from blood filtration to electrolyte balancing and blood cell production. Thus, kidney health is essential for our overall well being. However, there are many indicators of poor kidney health indicated above. In case you are observing any of the above kidney trouble signs and symptoms it is advisable to immediately go to the physician.