Watching a loved one suffer is one of the hardest things you can go through. In most cases, hospitals and medical centres are the most appropriate places to turn to when someone is suffering from a disease. They provide the necessary care to get people back to normal everyday life. But unfortunately, that is not always the case.
Sometimes, keeping a patient in the hospital no longer remains a viable option. For that purpose, you need to set up your home according to the particular needs of your loved one. Simple tools or accessories like castor wheels for easy mobility, hospital beds, good entertainment, etc., go a long way to ensure a comfortable stay. You may also want to know about the hospital chargemaster. Now let’s start with Palliative Care.
What is Palliative Care?
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Palliative care is a branch of medical care that is specifically designed to treat and reduce pain associated with any form of a debilitating disease, like cancer, dementia, paralysis, etc. Although a patient is primarily treated at home by caregivers and doctors, many hospitals and medical centers also provide palliative care options.
The following list will help you make your home fit for palliative care.
Almost certainly, your loved one will spend most of their time on their bed. Therefore, it has to be comfortable and well-suited to the patient’s condition. Hence, it is advisable to go with brand new hospital beds as they are specially designed for patient care. You can even adjust the heights of these beds as per need.
There are mainly three kinds of hospital beds that you can select from – manual, semi-automatic and automatic hospital beds. With manual beds, you will have to adjust the height using a lever mechanism. On the other hand, automatic and semi-automatic beds will allow varying degrees of remote control functions.
Castor Wheels
Castor wheels are beneficial in turning equipment and furniture mobile. Depending on the patient’s condition, you may need adequate medical equipment in the room to monitor health vitals. Movable equipment often becomes necessary to ensure efficient utilisation of space.
Mild steel or stainless-steel castor wheels are ideal for moving objects weighing between 100 to 250 kilograms and are best suited for medical equipment.
Connection Device
A connection device such as a wireless caregiver pager or a mobile phone should be present with your loved one at all times. It is even more critical if the patient is nervous about their condition. A device that allows them to call upon someone when in need can help put their minds to rest.
Irrespective of the size of the residence, a connection device is a must. It is a matter of being better prepared for a potential emergency. If it is a mobile phone, make sure to enter all the necessary contact numbers on the speed dial. This way, it will be easier to use and save precious time during emergencies.
Bathrooms are the trickiest to configure when it comes to home palliative care. A great deal of attention needs to be given, and specific resources must be installed to ensure patient safety. However, even with a caregiver present, you should not overlook certain factors.
Consider covering the floor entirely or partly with an anti-slip mat, especially the shower area or the bathtub. Doing so will provide a better grip and will significantly reduce the chances of slipping.
For better support, install grab bars near the bathtub and toilet to help the person sit down and get up smoothly.
Since a patient will spend most hours remaining stationary on the bed or a wheelchair, it is imperative to have some entertainment. Also, it largely depends on the preferences of the patient. For example, your loved one may prefer watching television over reading books or vice versa. You can also try brain games to keep their minds adequately stimulated.